You would like to start a business in 2019, so you are facing a series of important questions: what should be opened? Which Business Planning Ideas are more profitable and less exposed to bankruptcy? What are the new market and consumer demands? In a nutshell: what business ideas should you focus on? Clearly, no one has the right answer or holds the absolute truth, also because it is not possible to predict with certainty what will happen to the labour market in five years’ time.
So, is it impossible to know which business to choose? In this article you will find the list of 5 Business Planning Ideas to open in 2019.
Social Trading
Social trading is an inexpensive tool to invest your money on the stock exchange starting from scratch and learning from the professionals. Trading online means buying and selling financial securities listed on world markets via the Internet. To do this you need a computer and an account opened with a broker.Trading online is a real entrepreneurial activity for professionals that allows you to earn serious money, if done with preparation.
Open a Web Agency
A Web agency, as you will know, deals with communication and marketing for companies that want to have an effective online presence, both to sell themselves and a product or service. In this digital era, opening a web agency is definitely one of the best profitable Business Planning Ideas. Working as an agency allows you to gain greater visibility and credibility, it allows you to expand your network of contacts and reach a type of customer that was previously impossible to approach.
Opening an e-Commerce
For some businesses, opening an e-Commerce can be a resource. In fact, online sales make it possible to expand one’s customer network and therefore increase turnover. You can buy a domain or web space on which to install a CMS. Finally, you can let go of e-Commerce and turn to large marketplaces like Amazon. What is the best solution? It depends on your needs and possibilities in terms of budget, knowledge and time.
Open a training school
How many new graduates throw themselves on professionalizing courses? For these reasons, quality training can be a profitable and stimulating business route. Generally the target to turn to is of three types: young people who want to learn a trade and therefore seek a professional course, employees who need updating in areas of high specialization or courses to acquire generic and compulsory skills by law, etc. A professional training school should also be competitive and honest, otherwise it loses its effectiveness.
Try Drop Shipping
Drop shipping is a business model of e-commerce in which the work of the seller and contacts with suppliers, in most cases, are coordinated by an online platform. The seller does not physically own the goods he sells, all customer purchase orders are transmitted to the suppliers who ship the goods directly to the buyer. The advantage for the seller is that it can concentrate exclusively on marketing and customer relations without having to deal with the packaging and shipping processes.
Buy online and resell at higher prices
A simple but functional business idea. You can take advantage of the opportunity thanks to online auction portals which allow you to make minimal investments and win even expensive products, put up for auction starting from a penny. You only have to register for free on the portal and you will begin to choose which auction to participate in. The goods you have bought can be sold at a higher price.